Benjamin Rush State Park

Benjamin Rush State Park is a 275-acre Pennsylvania state park in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. The park is undeveloped and is the site of community gardens. The park is home to the Northeast Radio Controlled Airplane Club.Located in Northeast Philadelphia, Benjamin Rush State Park is a beautiful green space that offers plenty of fresh air and opportunities for outdoor recreation. The park features a number of acres of woodlands along Poquessing Creek, as well as community gardens and an airfield for radio-controlled aircraft. Additionally, the park is slated to be connected with Fairmount Park, making it an even more desirable destination for locals and visitors alike. If you’re looking for a picturesque place to spend an afternoon or evening, be sure to check out Benjamin Rush State Park!

Located in Northeast Philadelphia, Benjamin Rush State Park is a beautiful green space that offers plenty of fresh air and opportunities for outdoor recreation. The park features a number of acres of woodlands along Poquessing Creek, as well as community gardens and an airfield for radio-controlled aircraft. Additionally, the park is slated to be connected with Fairmount Park, making it an even more desirable destination for locals and visitors alike. If you’re looking for a picturesque place to spend an afternoon or evening, be sure to check out Benjamin Rush State Park!

Benjamin Rush State Park is a hidden gem in the Philadelphia Region. It’s located at the intersection of Southampton Road and Roosevelt Boulevard, with its northern boundary forming Poquessing Creek. The park has several acres that are woodlands along this creek bank; plans also include connecting it to Fairmount PARK by way proposed hiking trails (with access points into both parks), parking facilities for cars or bikes/cyclists if you’re going on your own hike-and there was even talk about adding some kind fungus gardens where they could grow produce without using any pesticides!

The proposals were approved last night but one thing remains unclear – exactly how those planes flying overhead wouldn’t pose problems when taking flight pictures.

Pennsylvania has some of the best preserved history in America. As it turns out, Pennsylvania’s first state park was also where we got our independence from Britain! Nowadays there are 42 sites that preserve this important part- timer successor to Independence Hall – such as Delaware Canal Park and Point Historic District which became a National Historic Landmark back when Obama still had two words left after becoming President aboard ‘The River unanimous.’.